Facility & Services

Our services:

Indoor board:

Our indoor boarders have the comfort of a stall at night and can be turned out daily into either private pens or one of our group paddocks, which cover 6 acres of grass and hills.

Indoor horses also have the option of a daily work-out on our electric hot walker, a typical session is 60 minutes a day.

Outdoor board:

Pasture boarders are free to roam 50 acres of rolling pasture land. This area is unique because it has forest cover on either side, which creates a dynamic landscape, provides shelter, and works as a wind break.

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Our main

facility includes a 38 stall barn, a hot walker room, an indoor riding arena, and the main lobby. This building is constructed with cinder block and brick, making it spacious and sanitary.

We’ve been working hard over the last few years to refurbish this farm. Here are a few of the most important changes:

  • Insulated and painted the riding arena

  • Refurbished outside brick and cinder blocks

  • Installed a new air exhaust system

  • Repainted the interior and exterior of the main barn, as well as much of the barnyard and fencing

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Our secondary barn was built by MacEwan University in the 1980’s for their equine program. Now, it’s home to our lesson program where the students can tack up before heading to the arena

Not to be outdone by the main barn, we’ve spiffed these quaint 13 stalls up as well. On went a new roof and we fixed some seasonal leaks. A new paint job has it looking fresh and cozy.

Our indoor arena and round pen. We also have an outdoor arena with spectator stands for warm-weather riding.

Our indoor arena and round pen. We also have an outdoor arena with spectator stands for warm-weather riding.

Our west-side private pens. These pens overlook the small lake on the north side of our property.

Our west-side private pens. These pens overlook the small lake on the north side of our property.